Sunday, June 16, 2013

One time years ago I had a big yellow cat. He was huge, prolly (yes I can spell probably) around twenty pounds or so. One day I went to go take the garbage out and I found a full grown opossum in my garbage can. He was stuck in there and he was a hissin and spittin and he was damn mad. Being the natural born teacher that I am I thought I would give our cat a nature lesson and let him see exactly what a pissed off full grown opossum looks like. I found the cat and holding him oh so tight I walked over to the trash can and let the cat look down at the snarling opossum. The next nanosecond of my life was pure terror. The cat ripped me to shreds getting out of arms. He clawed his way up the front side of me then proceeded to lay down some tracks down my backside. In an instant I was a bloody mess. The cat was gone in an instant. The opossum was still pissed off and I was in a state of complete shock and disarray. I learned that day to never, ever try to teach a cat about pissed off opossums. The above link is a tribute to that Opossum.

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